Platforms English Golden Sand Hotel

Dear Sir/Madam,

Allow me to inform you that a nazi gathering will take place on January 31st, in the hotel Golden Sand, in Chios, Greece, which appears to be hosted and promoted through your platform. As per the announcement of Golden Dawn, a Greek nazi organization, the event is named “The problem of illegal immigration and the solution of Golden Dawn”, where they will certainly attempt to disseminate their racist and bigoted views.

Golden Dawn is notorious for the core nazi values of the party and its executives. They are currently under criminal trial for a variety of criminal offenses. These include stabbings, beatings, attacks on immigrants due to skin complexity or nationality, arson, murders etc, their pinnacle being the murder of musician Pavlos Fyssas in 2013.

More recently (2017) the Greek society witnessed various attacks by Golden Dawn members against passers-by casually strolling outside their party offices, and against lawyers involved in the aforementioned trial. Moreover, one of the key speakers in the event (G. Lagos) has been charged with participation and operation of a criminal organization, along with criminal possession of a weapon.

All of the above suggest that their presence in the hotel which you host and promote will pose a grave danger to the rest of the guests, in the occasion that the colour of their skin, their sexual orientation, the length of their hair, the print on their t-shirt, their political beliefs or their nationality do not conform with the views of the nazist organization.

What is more, the accused deputies and other members of Golden Dawn – many of whom carry firearms legally or illegally, have swastika tattoos etc. – will propagate their nazist, fascist and racist ideals in the same space where your customers, from all over the world, and their children, hope to peacefully spend their holidays.

This is not the first time such incidents occur. In 2016, the same businessman and owner of the Grecian Castle Hotel allowed a similar event to take place again in Chios. Upon completion of the event, members and supporters of the nazist organization perpetrated deadly attacks against migrants in the city of Chios and in the migrant reception centre of VIAL.

I hope you understand that such phenomena should not reoccur and that hosting nazi organizations is at odds with carefree holiday destinations for people of any race, religious creed, sexual orientation or nationality. I further believe that it is unbefitting to corporations such as your own to host on their platform and promote a hotel which provides its areas to prosecuted criminal gangs, thus placing its customers, among others, in imminent risk.

Based on the above I kindly request that:

1) The following hotels, all owned by the same businessman, be removed from your platform – Golden Sand Hotel, Grecian Castle Hotel, Sea View Resorts & Spa Hotel, Aegean Dream Hotel, Kyveli Apartments Hotel.

2) The public opinion should be informed about your forthcoming actions, based on the Corporate Social Responsibility scheme of your corporation, which relates to safety and security for your customers, the rejection of Nazi ideals and the consolidation of human rights, so that such phenomena will not take place in the future.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation